Licensing &
We offer options for organizations to bring our programs in-house and for practitioners to use with their clients.
Begin to use ThoughtAction’s powerful Results System™ coaching and developmental tools with your internal or external clients through our Certification Programs.
Become trained and licensed to use Results Accelerator™ or Core Needs Coaching™ with individuals or groups through our Results System™ Certified Practitioner certification.
Harness the action-oriented Results Roadmap™ to help individuals, groups and teams make action plans, become aligned and clear the obstacles in the way of achieving them with the Results Roadmap™ Certified Specialist certification.
For those who wish to utilize only Core Needs Coaching™ for career development, employee engagement and mindset shift work, the Core Needs™ Certified Specialist certification works perfectly.
Our organization can bring our ThoughtAction programs in-house through our Corporate Licensing Program. We can train and certify your internal Coaching, HR, Change Management and Organizational Effectiveness professionals to deliver Results Accelerator™, Results Roadmap™, Core Needs Navigator™ and Coaching Others for Higher Performance™ to your employees.
Please contact us for more details.
The Results System Certified™ Practitioner program licenses you to use our proprietary Results System™ tools to deliver Results Accelerator™ and Core needs Coaching with your clients. In the program, you will become trained and certified to create powerful experiences for your clients.
The Results Accelerator Certification Program™ (RACP) combines the convenience of self-paced videos and assignments to teach you the fundamentals. You’ll practice your skills during four, live two-hour Practice Lab led by master coaches and you’ll work with a live, case study client.
To finalize your certification, you’ll conduct a complete Results Accelerator™ as a Practicum with a real practice client of your choosing. You’ll submit a recording of the session for evaluation and feedback and then complete the online RACP Certification Exam.
Once certified, you will be licensed and eligible to purchase Results Accelerator™ and Core Needs™ hardcopy and digital tools for use with clients.
The Results Roadmap™ Certified Specialist program licenses and certifies you to use the proprietary Results Roadmap™ with individuals, groups and teams.
When you enroll in the certification, you receive your Results Roadmap™ Starter Kit with Facilitator Guide, laminated Results System™ tools, materials for working with your first few clients and exclusive online access to electronic downloads of additional tools.
If you learn well through self-study, you can review the materials and begin to use the Results Roadmap™ with clients right away.
However, included in the certification fee is free enrollment for one year in two live, virtual training courses with a master coach conducted a regular schedule. The first course “Results Roadmap™ Certification I – Individual” prepares you to deliver the Results Roadmap™ with individual clients.
The follow-up course “Results Roadmap™ Certification II – Groups and Teams” expands your capabilities to work with groups and teams virtually or in-person.
To finalize your certification, you just take the online Results Roadmap™ Certification Exam do demonstrate your proficiency.
The Core Needs™ Certified Specialist program licenses and certifies you to use the proprietary Core Needs™ with individuals, groups and teams.
When you enroll in the certification, you receive your Core Needs™ Starter Kit with Facilitator Guide, laminated Results System™ tools, materials for working with your first few clients and exclusive online access to electronic downloads of additional tools.
If you learn well through self-study, you can review the materials and begin to use Core Needs™ coaching with clients right away.
However, included in the certification fee is free enrollment for one year in two live, virtual training courses with a master coach conducted a regular schedule. The first course “Core Needs™ Certification I – Individual” prepares you to deliver Core Needs™ coaching with individual clients.
The follow-up course “Core Needs™ Certification II – Groups and Teams” expands your capabilities to use the Core Needs Navigator™ with groups and teams virtually or in-person.
To finalize your certification, you just take the online Core Needs™ Certification Exam do demonstrate your proficiency.
Core Needs™ Certification is included in the Results System™ Certified Practitioner certification.